Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Funny Pictures For You to Enjoy

Games for Kids!

SECURITY CAUTION FOR KIDS & PARENTS: These images link to a gaming website that offers free trial versions of games for download and/or sells games. I have done business with this website in the past and they are honest and very helpful to their customers. BUT... Kids, you must never ever download anything to your computer or buy anything online unless you TELL YOUR MOM OR DAD FIRST that's what you want to do.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Do You Like to Write? [for older kids, teens, & adults]

Some people write short stories and some people write movies and some people write whole novels. Some people write poetry and some people write music and words to songs and some people write business reports. Just like there's all kinds of people in this world, there's all kinds of writing.

If you like to write stories, sometimes, you can get stuck for ideas. ALL writers have this problem from time to time. It's called, "writer's block."

Sometimes, the best way to get over that is to find one little piece of an idea and just start writing... anything. Anything that idea or story starter inspires you to write, you just write it down and the more you do that, the more you start to unfreeze your brain and who knows, you might even like what you've written!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Why Do Leaves Change Color?

Every autumn as the days get shorter and cooler, we see a beautiful variety of colors in leaves all around us. These color changes are caused by chemical processes inside the tree or plant. Different chemicals produce different colors and some trees have more of one chemical than another so that's why there is such a variety of colors.

During the summer, the chemical that makes the leaves green is strongest and so the green color covers up the other colors made by the weaker chemicals. It's during this time that the leaves act as food-making factories for the rest of the tree. This food-making process uses the chemical called chlorophyll and that's the chemical that makes the green color.

Other colors like orange and yellow are made by carotenes and xanthophyll pigments. Carotene is what gives carrots their orange color.

In the fall with less daylight and changes in the weather, the chlorophyll starts to break down and the other chemicals take over and their colors become visible. The leaves stop their food-making process.

As the leaves change color other things start happening, too. A special layer of cells forms at the point where the leaf attaches to the tree and it destroys the tissues that connect the leaf to the tree. The tree seals it off so by the time the leaf is blown away or just falls off, there is already a leaf scar on the tree.

Trees that have leaves that change color and fall off are called deciduous trees. That means they change with the seasons. Trees that have leaves that pretty much stay green all year round and don't lose their leaves with the seasons are called evergreens. Trees that make cones to distribute their seeds are called conifers. Most conifers are evergreens.

To learn more about leaves and their changing colors, see this article.

To see a gallery of breathtaking autumn photos, GO HERE.

To see a gallery of cute pet fall photos, GO HERE.

Brain Juice for Your Brain

Brain teasers are called "teasers" because they tease the heck out of your brain, trying to make you figure out the answer. You feel really good when you finally figure it all out. It's lots of fun to try! Here are some brain teasers for you to work on then you can try them out on somebody else:

Number One: Rebus brain teasers use words or letters in interesting orientations to represent common phrases. Can you figure out the following rebus brain teaser? It is a common phrase. Answers will be at the bottom of this post.

Salt: Good morning
Pepper: Hello

Number Two: What Doesn't Belong? This brain teaser relies on your ability to recognize what a group of words has in common so you can pick out the one word that does not belong in the group. Here's your group of words... now, which one does not belong?

Binoculars, eyeglasses, goggles, handlebars, jeans, pliers, scissors, shoes, tweezers

Number Three: Another rebus puzzle... can you decipher the musical instruments represented below?

1. P O
2. BA BA
4. @ # $ %

Number Four: Homonym Sentences - The blanks in the following sentences will be filled in with three different homonyms (words that are spelled differently but sound alike) to make valid sentences. The dashes indicate the number of letters in the words. Can you fill in the blanks?

1. The cut on his _ _ _ _ won't _ _ _ _ in time for the race, so _ _ '_ _ have to drop out.

2. I couldn't _ _ _ _ _ any of the _ _ _ _ _ _ in the flower shop, because for some strange reason I had 50 _ _ _ _ _ crammed up my nose.

3. A bloodthirsty pirate will wander the _ _ _ _ and essentially _ _ _ _ _ everything he _ _ _ _.

Number Five: Word Play - Language brain teasers are those that involve the English language. You need to think about and manipulate words and letters. What do the following words have in common (aside from repeating some letters)?


Are you ready for the answers?

Are you sure you're ready?

Well, okay. Here are your answers:

Number One: Season's Greetings

Number Two: The word "shoes" is the only "pair" that actually has 2 separate pieces.

Number Three: 1. Piano (P and O); 2. Tuba (Two BA); 3. Clarinet (CLAR in ET); 4. Cymbals (Symbols)

Number Four: 1. The cut on his HEEL won't HEAL in time for the race, so HE'LL have to drop out.

2. I couldn't SENSE any of the SCENTS in the flower shop, because for some strange reason I had 50 CENTS crammed up my nose.
3. A bloodthirsty pirate will wander the SEAS and essentially SEIZE everything he SEES.

Number Five: If you take the first letter and move it to the rear of the word, you get the same word when read backwards.

Find LOTS more brain teasers at the Braingle website.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

100 Words and Phrases in Spanish

It's fun to learn words in another language and it might even help you a lot one day, especially if you need to study a language in school or use another language in a job. You might be able to help someone else. Being able to communicate with other people is always a good thing so, here are some words and phrases for you to learn (I do not try to explain any grammar or rules of usage or the male and female definition of words in the Spanish language - these are vocabulary words only):


1. house - casa [caw-saw]

2. car - coche [co-che]

3. bed - cama [caw-maw]

4. table - mesa [may-sah]

5. chair - silla [see-yah]

6. door - puerta [pwhere-tah]

7. window - ventana [ven-tah-nah]

8. love - amor [ah-more]

9. "I love you." - Te amo. [tay ah-moh]

10. "Where is _____?" - ¿Dónde está ______? [Doan-day eh-staw ______?]

11. "How are you?" - FORMAL: ¿Cómo está usted? [co-moh eh-staw oo-stead?]
INFORMAL (with friends/family): ¿Cómo estás? [co-moh eh-staws?]

12. "With your permission..." - Con su permiso [cohn soo pear-meeso]

13. "I am hungry." - Tengo hambre. [tayn-go ahm-bray] (the "h" is not heard)

14. "I am thirsty." - Tengo sed. [tayn-go said]

15. "I am afraid." - Tengo miedo. [tayn-go mee-aide-oh] (long "a" sound)

16. "I am happy." - Estoy feliz. [eh-stoy fay-leez]

17. The United States of America - Los Estados Unidos de América

18. cat - gato [gah-toe] kitten - gatito [gah-tee-toe]

19. dog - perro [pear-oh] (the double "r" sound is trilled)

20. rabbit - conejo [coh-nay-hoe]

21. mouse - ratón [rah-tone] rat - rata [rah-tah]

22. breakfast - desayuno [dess-aye-oo-noh]

23. dinner - cena [say-nah]

24. the beach - la playa [lah ply-yah]

25. the mountains - las montañas [loss moan-tahn-yahs]

26. the city - la ciudad [lah see-oo-dahd]

27. mother - madre [mah-dray]

28. father - padre [pah-dray]

29. sister - hermana [air-mah-nah] (no "h" sound)

30. brother - hermano [air-mah-noh]

31. school - escuela [ehs-cway-lah] high school - escuela secundaria [ehs-cway-lah say-coon-dahr-ee-uh]

32. my job - mi trabajo [me trah-bah-hoe]

33. to work (verb) - trabajar [trah-bah-har]

34. to sleep (verb) - dormir [door-meer]

35. "She is sleeping." - Ella está durmiendo. [eh-yah eh-stah dir-mee-ehn-doe]

36. Sunday - domingo [doe-ming-go]

37. Monday - lunes [loon-ess]

38. Tuesday - martes [mar-tess]

39. Wednesday - miercoles [mee-air-coe-less]

40. Thursday - jueves [way-vess]

41. Friday - viernes [vee-air-ness]

42. Saturday - sabado [sah-bah-doe]

43. week - semana [say-mah-nah] weekend - fin de la semana [feen day lah say-mah-nah]

44. "Happy Birthday." - feliz cumpleaños [fay-lees coom-plee-ahn-yos]

45. "What time is it?" (when something is scheduled like a TV show... when is it on TV?) - ¿Cuándo es? [qwan-doe ess] "What time is it?" (asking for the time right now) - ¿Qué hora es? [kay oar-ah ess]

46. "How do you say _______ in Spanish?" - ¿Cómo se dice ________? [Coe-moh say dee-say ________] The underscore or blank line represents the word you want translated. You fill in the word.

47. "How do you say _______ in English?" - ¿Cómo se dice ________ en inglés? [Coe-moh say dee-say ________ ehn een-glace]

48. dangerous - peligroso [pay-lee-grow-soh]

49. funny (amusing) - divertido [dee-vair-tee-doh]

50. "It's a joke." - Es un chiste. [ess oon chee-stay]

51. the truth - la verdad [lah vair-dahd] Really? (Is that really true?) - ¿Verdad? [vair-dahd]

52. a lie - una mentira [oo-nah main-teer-ah] liar - mentiroso [main-teer-oh-soh]

53. freedom - libertad [lee-bear-tahd]

54. blouse or shirt - camisa [cah-mee-sah]

55. dress - bestido [vess-tee-doh]

56. pants (long pants like jeans or slacks) - pantalones [pahn-tah-loh-nays]

57. "Let's go." - Vamos. [vah-mose]

58. "I want to leave." - Quiero ir. [care-oh ear]

59. "I am sick (ill)." - Estoy infermo. (boy) [eh-stoy een-fair-moh] - Estoy inferma (girl) [eh-stoy een-fair-mah]

60. "He is sick (ill)." - Él está infermo. [ail eh-stah een-fair-moh] (my aplogies for any misspellings, two translators and two spellings for infermo - was also spelled enfermo)

61. "How old are you?" - ¿Cuántos años tiene? [qwan-tohs ahn-yos tee-ain-nay]

62. "She is eleven years old." - Ella tiene once años. [a-yah tee-ain-nay ohn-say ahn-yohs]

63. "I am thirteen years old." - Tengo trece años. [tayn-goh tray-say ahn-yohs]
Spanish uses "I have" for age instead of "I am" so literally, they are saying "I have thirteen years" instead of saying "I am thirteen years."

64. green - verde [vair-day]

65. blue - azul [ah-sool]

66. purple - morado [moh-raw-doh] or púrpura [poor-poor-ah] (the double "o's" in the phonetic pronunciation guide have the "oo" sound).

67. yellow - amarillo [ahm-ah-ree-yoh] (the double "L" in Spanish has a "y" sound.)

68. red -

69. pink -

70. friend (boy) -

71. friend (girl) -

72. friends (group, boys and girls) -

73. policeman -

74. emergency -

75. "I have a medical emergency." -

76. "Call the police." -

77. "I need a doctor." -

78. "I want _____."

79. "How much does this cost?" -

80. "Forgive me." -

81. "I am sorry." -

82. "Excuse me." -

83. "Of course" or "For certain" -

84. "How many?" -

85. "How many children do you have?" -

86. tree -

87. flower -

88. lake -

89. river -

90. fish -

91. bear -

92. monkey -

93. sky -

94. Heaven -

95. earth (dirt) -

96. bicycle -

97. book -

98. food (in general) -

99. "Please." -

100. "Thank you." -


Sunday, September 6, 2009


Native Hawaiians knew all about volcanoes. According to them, volcanic eruptions were caused by Pele, the beautiful but tempestuous Goddess of Volcanoes. Pele had frequent moments of anger, which brought about eruptions. She was both honored and feared. She could cause earthquakes by stamping her feet or volcanic eruptions and fiery lava by digging with her Pa'oa, her magic stick. Pele had a long and bitter argument with her older sister, Namakaokahai. The fight ended up forming the Hawaiian Islands. Read more of this story...

Discovery Kids offers you their "Volcano Explorer" where you can go inside a volcano and even make your own volcano science project! Be sure to click the link at the bottom of their page to learn all about the last days of Pompeii.

Picture by Siddharth, Age 9, India
VOLCANO WORLD is a website designed for kids that includes virtual field trips, adventure stories, help for teachers, volcano FAQ, games and fun stuff and, of course, a kids' art gallery (see sample above).

Find out how much you know about volcanoes with this fun activity from National Geographic Kids.

Mount St. Helens VolcanoCams will let you see a volcano live, as in right now, during daylight hours in the State of Washington.

You can visit Mt. Shasta in California or view it "live" on its own webcam HERE or HERE. Mt. Shasta's last major eruption was in 1786 and earned Mt. Shasta the nickname, "Lighthouse of the Pacific." Mt. Shasta is actually a series of four overlapping volcanic cones and as a mountain, it stands alone, not connected to any nearby mountain, rising abruptly to nearly 10,000 feet. Read more about Mt. Shasta HERE.

Mt. Shasta, California

Mt. Etna, Italy

Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and is in an almost constant state of activity.The fertile volcanic soils support extensive agriculture, with vineyards and orchards spread across the lower slopes of the mountain and the broad Plain of Catania to the south. You can view live webcams of Mt. Etna HERE.

This CBS video shows an exciting view of one of Etna's most recent eruptions:

Watch CBS Videos Online

Do you know the difference between lava and Magma? Do you know how many volcanoes there are in the world? HERE'S A WEBSITE with lots of volcano facts for kids.

And here are some great books on the subject of volcanoes. If you want to find out more about the book, just click on the image. SECURITY CAUTION FOR KIDS: Do NOT click to download or "buy" anything or put your personal information in a form on a website unless you TELL YOUR PARENTS FIRST that's what you want to do.

This Day in History

What happened on your birthday in other years? A hundred years ago? What events have happened on important holidays? Pick any date and find out what happened on that date in United States history. History can be tons of fun and you can totally amaze your friends if you come up with weird stuff like knowing something famous that happened on a particular day. Hey! Find out what happened on your friends' birthdays and write it on a birthday card! Here are a few places where you can find out what happened on "this day in history":

The History of Today
Choose a date to see what happened that day in years past.

This Day in History (from the History Channel)
Daily historical trivia and search tool.

Today in History (Library of Congress)
Find out what happened today in U.S. history.

A Dog Babysitting a Chicken

Don't try to mess with this chicken because the mama will protect her baby!

Squigly's Arts and Crafts

There's lots to do here if you like arts and crafts. There's online fun as well as at-home projects. Here's enough to get you started:

Desktop Pictures and Patterns
Just for fun
Seasonal Crafts
Print & Colour Pictures
Online Colouring Pictures
Online Dressup Games (each game has its own link)
Create a scrapbook
Make clip on braids
Add a touch of fun to your garden with Painted Rocks.
Tell your friend's fortunes with a Cootie Catcher.
Save your coins in a papier mâché piggy bank.
Go wild! Make a wildlife scene.
Make a windmill.
Attract hummingbirds to your backyard with this recipe.
Let it snow, let it snow, with these snowflakes you make yourself.
Feed the birds
Leaf Art
Decorate some flower pots for summer.
Explore the world of underwater creatures with this water scope.
Make a braided bracelet.
Make your own beads out of paper.
Store your treasures in this.


School Jokes

Read up on some funny school jokes and when you get done with those, take a peek at the other joke categories like animals, holidays, doctors, internet, monsters, and more!

Here's just a few to get you started, but be sure to visit this funny website made just for kids...

Teacher: Class, we will have only half a day of school this morning.
Class: Hooray!
Teacher: We will have the other half this afternoon!

Son: I can't go to school today.
Father: Why not ?
Son: I don't feel well
Father: Where don't you feel well ?
Son: In school !

Pupil (on phone) : My son has a bad cold and won't be able to come to school today.
School Secretary: Who is this ?
Pupil: This is my father speaking !


Knock-Knock Jokes

Silly Jokes

Silly American States

Kid's Food Jokes

Jokes from Kaboose

Joke Central

One last joke, okay?

What do you call a cow with a twitch?
Beef jerky.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Homework Help Websites

Educational Resources from the U.S. Government

Arts & Music
Health & Phys Ed
History & Soc Studies
Language Arts

School & Homework Help by Grade Level (K-12)

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
High School
College Prep

Jiskha Homework Help

More than 200 experts volunteer their time to help over 4,000 students with homework everyday. Students receive help from teachers in various school subjects including math, science, social studies and more. All grade levels.

Yahoo! Kids Study

Animals, Ask Earl (reference questions and some have been very strange, too), Science, Reference (Dictionary and Encyclopedia), World Factbook

Basic Steps in the Research Process

First, select a topic that interests you... and the rest of this helpful guide takes you through the task of writing a research paper. This webpage is easy to follow but is relevant to older teens and adults as well as kids.

Smithsonian Education

For Students | At the Smithsonian | Explore by Topic | IdeaLabs | Secrets of the Smithsonian | Events for Kids

Enchanted Learning

This is an absolutely massive website with hundreds of pages of fun activities and resources for just about any subject you can imagine. You just have to pay this site a visit to get an idea of what they are.

The Homework Spot

Part of the "StartSpot" Network of websites, this directory is organized for elementary, middle, and high schoolers with subcategories like Homeroom, Arts and Crafts, Foreign Languages, Health/Fitness, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Technology, Study Break, and Contests. Their Reference Section includes: Ask an Expert, Current Events, Libraries, Museums, People, Reading Room, and Reference Desk. Their Front Homepage alone is jam-packed with stuff and that's just the first page!!! This website is definitely worth a look.

Discovery Education's Homework Helper

I linked to the section on Math but you can use the navigation buttons up top on this page to also reach their Homework Help on Science, English, Social Studies, and More...

The Library Spot

Another massive portal directory in the StartSpot Network of portal directories with links to hundreds of libraries around the USA and the world. There are all categories of types of libraries and their Reference Desk Section is HUGE.

Infoplease Homework Center

Geography, History, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Writing, Research, Speaking & Listening, Studying, Almanacs, Atlas, Dictionary, Encyclopedia, and Biographies and lots more...

Fact Monster

World, United States, People, Sports, Science, Math and Money, Word Wise, Cool Stuff, Homework Center, Games and Quizzes, Reference Desk, Geography Guide, Language Trivia, Today in History and more...

National Geographic for Kids

I linked to their Site Index which lists ALL topics covered on the Kids Website and should help find the homework help you need. Homework Helper

Categorized for Grades 1 through College - References - Ask the Experts - Other Homework Links - Many, many links here

Assignments from

Learn how to write a great biography, discover the important elements of a book report, and find some great tips for organizing your research paper with tips for completing great homework assignments.

Homework Center

Homework Databases and Homework Web Sites: African-American, American History, Ancient & Classical Cultures, Animals, The Arts, Astronomy & Space, Biographies, Biology, Computers & Inventions, Costumes & Clothing, Countries & Flags, European History, Evaluating Websites, General Reference, Geography, Government & Politics, Health & Nutrition, History, Holidays & Celebrations, Other Homework Reference Resources, Language Arts, Literature & Authors, Maps, Mathematics, Music, Mysterious & Unexplained, Mythology, Native American, News & Current Events, Personal Finance, Regional Information, Religion, Science, Social Issues, Sports, States Information, Wars & World History, What Makes a Community

Kid Info

Homework Help, Reference Resources, Fun Sites for Students - KID INFO saves valuable time by providing - in ONE website directory - the BEST Pre K-12 curriculum links to quality websites, educational videos, and educational powerpoints. Kid Info also provides a collection of fun, interesting, and informative non-educational website links!

Homework Help from King County Library System

Animals, Insects & Birds, Art, Drama & Film, Biographies & Famous People, Careers, Countries & Native Peoples, Current Events & News, Facts & Reference, Health & Medicine, History, US, History, World, Washington State History, Holidays, Literature & Writing, Mathematics, Music, Religions, Research/
Library Skills
, Science & Technology, Social Issues, Sports & Recreation, U.S. Gov. & Politics, US: State by State.

Teen Homework Help @The Library

English ~ Health ~ Math ~ Science ~ Social Studies ~ More Sites By Specific Topic ~ Arts ~ Finding Articles ~ Encyclopedias ~ Career Development & Occupational Studies ~ Creating a Bibliography/Works Used List ~ Study Hints ~ El Portal Latino

How to Write a Book Report

Upper Elementary School level

How to Write a Book Report

Middle and High School level

Writing Skills

Good writing skills are essential for effective communication. Learning to write well takes time and practice. TOPICS COVERED (MANY SUBHEADINGS UNDER THESE MAIN TOPICS): Essays, Writing Different Types of Essays, How to Write a Biography, How to Write a Book Report, How to Write a Research or Term Paper, How to Write a Bibliography, Sample Term Papers, How to Write a Letter, How to Write a Speech, Spelling & Grammar, Sentence Structure.

Research Skills

Research: Getting Started, Doing the Research, Using the Internet, Using for Research, Documentation and Citations, How to Write a Research Paper

How to Write a Research or Term Paper





























Research papers are generally longer pieces of written work than essays. Writing a research paper involves all of the steps for writing an essay plus some additional ones.

To write a research paper you must first do some research, that is, investigate your topic by reading about it in many different sources, including books, magazines, newspapers, and the Internet. In some cases you may also conduct interviews. The information you gather from these sources is then used to support the points you make in your paper.

Writing a research paper also involves documenting your sources of information in footnotes or endnotes. This way the reader knows where you got your information and can judge whether it is reliable.

Here are the steps to follow when writing a research paper. Click on the link to read more:

  1. Establish your topic.

  2. Look for sources of information.

  3. Read your sources and take notes.

  4. Organize your ideas.

  5. Write a first draft.

  6. Use footnotes or endnotes to document sources.

  7. Write a bibliography.

  8. Revise the first draft.

  9. Proofread the final draft.

How Write a Sentence and a Paragraph

This page was created for all students who find themselves at a loss for words when they are asked to write a sentence or a paragraph! This webpage is fun and easy to follow and could be a great help to anyone who wants to brush up on their sentence-writing skills.

Homework Help

Categorized links - Homework Help Web Pages, Biographical Information, Citing Your Sources, Almanacs, Animals, Black History, Castles, Country Information, Dinosaurs, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Endangered Species, Environment, Flags, Government, History, Issues and Debates, Magazines, Maps, Museums, Mythology, Native Americans (Indians of North America), Rivers of the World, Safety, Science (Astronomy and Planets, Constellations, Science and Invention, and Science Experiments/Science Fair), State Information, Titanic, Utah, City Information, Women's History, Writing a Research Paper, Weather

MSN Encarta Homework Help

Foreign Languages, Literature Guides, Homework Starters, Homework Sites, Tutoring, Student Life, College Prep, Article Archive, Parent Resources, Quizzes, Encyclopedia, Dictionary & Thesaurus, Atlas, This Day in History, Facts & Figures, Charts & Tables, Homework Help Message Board, K-12 Parents Message Board

Alabama's Free Live Online Homework Help Service

This service offers free homework help from subject specialists. Available Sunday - Thursday -- 3p.m. until 10 p.m. (assume they mean Alabama time) Free Tutoring - Math - Science - Social Studies - English - Grades K3-12, College Intro, and Adult Learner's Homework Hub

RESEARCH - Advice and references to jump start reports. WRITE - Guides and resources to perfect your words. PRACTICE - Activities and Quizzes to boost your skills. ORGANIZE - Hints and Tools to study smarter. PREPARE - Techniques and tips to ace that test. Also "everyday essentials" like Flash Card Maker, Spellig Wizard, Book Report Station and more...

Homework Help for Big Kids

Provides links to helpful sites in the USA and throughout the world that would be appropriate to upper elementary, junior high, and high school students.

Brain Mass Online Homework Help Service

FROM THE WEBSITE: "Welcome to BrainMass, the global community of graduate-level students, teachers and professionals. Offering 24/7 expert academic homework help, we are helping students around the world across 45 fields of study. Whether you are looking for instant help with math, chemistry, science, physics or expert advice on writing a college essay, our Online Teaching Assistants can show you how." You can "Post A Problem" or "Submit An Essay" or search their Solution Library and more.'s Homework Help

Pre-Algebra... Algebra... Geometry... Place value... Decimal numbers... Estimating and rounding... Adding/subtracting decimals... Multiplying decimals... Dividing decimals... Percent... Exponents... Square roots... Signed integers... Adding and subtracting integers... Multiplying and dividing integers... Properties of integers... Ratios... Proportions... Distance, rates, and time... Similar figures... Factors and multiples... Greatest common factor (GCF)... Least common multiple (LCM)... Fraction definitions... Reducing fractions... Adding and subtracting fractions... Multiplying fractions... Dividing fractions... Adding and subtracting mixed numbers... Multiplying mixed numbers... Dividing mixed numbers... · Cool Tools... Formulas & Tables... References... Test Preparation... Study Tips... Wonders of Math

Homework Help from New York City's Public Libraries

Name the subject. Anything. You know they got it.

Homework Help by Grade -

Categorized by Grade Level (K-8), multiple subjects, other useful features like College Search and videos and various screening tools and more...

High School Ace

SUBJECTS: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, English, Foreign Languages, Math, Physics, U.S. History, World History. REFERENCE SITES: College Prep Guide, Nutrition Data, Pedometer, Social Issues, Street Maps, Translator Tool, Unit Conversions, World Maps. OTHER RESOURCES: BBC World News, C-SPAN, Daily News Quiz, Google News, NYTLN News, PBS News Hour, SAT Test Prep, Weather Forecast, Word of the Day. GAMES AND PUZZLES: Checkers Game, Chess Game, Crossword Puzzles, Hare & Hounds, Hex-7 / Nash, Mancala / Wari, Othello / Reversi, Peg Puzzles, Quiz Games, Slider Puzzles, Triplets. ALSO: Look stuff up in their encyclopedia or dictionary or Rhyming Dictionary.

KidBibs International

Search Engines and Web Directories for Kids, General Homework Help, Online References, Online Books, Language Arts and Languages, Math, Social Studies, Science and Health, Fine Arts, Computers, Practice Resources, Online Activities, Online Stories and Reading Selections, Printable Activities, Parent Resources, Recommended References for Your Child's Home Library.

Amazing Space Homework Help

Do you want to: Answer a question? Dig up a definition? Find resources for a project? Write a story? Get the latest scoop on space? Earn extra-credit points? Shed light on another subject? Compare cosmic objects? Study for a test? Debate an idea? Build a model? Celebrate the International Year of Astronomy? Have fun with Online Explorations? Capture the cosmos (Astronomy materials, by topic)? See Tonight's Sky?

County of Los Angeles Public Library Homework Help

You can get free homework help from a live, online tutor in 20 minute sessions. ... You can use Live Homework Help from home, school and even the Library.

CEO Express Homework Help

A huge portal/directory of helpful links, categorized.

Chatterbee's Homework Help Center

Reference, Arts, Web Search, Health, Social Studies, Science, Math, Free Homework Help


Monday, August 3, 2009

"The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad" - See the whole movie right here!

This movie was a lot of fun to watch when it first came out a very long time ago and it's so much fun, it's even fun today! After viewing "Part One" of the movie that's posted here, scroll down for Part Two, then Three and so on until you've seen the whole thing.

CONTENT ADVISORY: "The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad" makes use of wonderful special effects to create fantastical movie "monsters" that are clearly fantasy creatures and should probably not frighten most kids but very young children might find those parts of the movie to be a bit scary.










Saturday, August 1, 2009

Learn to Count Money (JAVA Applet)

Play Lizzie McGuire's Turbo Racer Game!

Peter, Paul, & Mary - A Great Music Group

Peter, Paul, & Mary first got really famous in the 1960's singing folk music and some rock n' roll but always, the songs they sang made you want to think more about the words they were singing. Sometimes serious, sometimes sad, sometimes just plain fun -- Peter, Paul & Mary's music is great for kids of today, too! They have never really stopped teaching and making us think. Their music is still popular and they are loved by several generations of fans.

Here are some of their songs. As you listen, try to imagine what they are trying to tell you. What is the theme or meaning behind each song? Did you enjoy it? Do you think you could learn to sing it?

I bet you and your Mom and Dad would have a lot of fun singing these songs together.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Where to buy school supplies?

This is a list of some major retailers who have already set up shop (online) for back to school supplies. Some places listed offer school supplies to the individual student and some places offer school supplies in bulk (for teachers and homeschoolers). Some offer both.

It should be expected that other retailers like Walmart, RiteAid, Target and more will also get around to doing their own back-to-school offers.

Discount School Supply

A2Z Teacher's Outlet

Dick Blick Art Materials

The Crayola Store


Office Depot

Office Max

Oriental Trading

Really Good Stuff


Teacher's Paradise

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