Tuesday, September 8, 2009

100 Words and Phrases in Spanish

It's fun to learn words in another language and it might even help you a lot one day, especially if you need to study a language in school or use another language in a job. You might be able to help someone else. Being able to communicate with other people is always a good thing so, here are some words and phrases for you to learn (I do not try to explain any grammar or rules of usage or the male and female definition of words in the Spanish language - these are vocabulary words only):


1. house - casa [caw-saw]

2. car - coche [co-che]

3. bed - cama [caw-maw]

4. table - mesa [may-sah]

5. chair - silla [see-yah]

6. door - puerta [pwhere-tah]

7. window - ventana [ven-tah-nah]

8. love - amor [ah-more]

9. "I love you." - Te amo. [tay ah-moh]

10. "Where is _____?" - ¿Dónde está ______? [Doan-day eh-staw ______?]

11. "How are you?" - FORMAL: ¿Cómo está usted? [co-moh eh-staw oo-stead?]
INFORMAL (with friends/family): ¿Cómo estás? [co-moh eh-staws?]

12. "With your permission..." - Con su permiso [cohn soo pear-meeso]

13. "I am hungry." - Tengo hambre. [tayn-go ahm-bray] (the "h" is not heard)

14. "I am thirsty." - Tengo sed. [tayn-go said]

15. "I am afraid." - Tengo miedo. [tayn-go mee-aide-oh] (long "a" sound)

16. "I am happy." - Estoy feliz. [eh-stoy fay-leez]

17. The United States of America - Los Estados Unidos de América

18. cat - gato [gah-toe] kitten - gatito [gah-tee-toe]

19. dog - perro [pear-oh] (the double "r" sound is trilled)

20. rabbit - conejo [coh-nay-hoe]

21. mouse - ratón [rah-tone] rat - rata [rah-tah]

22. breakfast - desayuno [dess-aye-oo-noh]

23. dinner - cena [say-nah]

24. the beach - la playa [lah ply-yah]

25. the mountains - las montañas [loss moan-tahn-yahs]

26. the city - la ciudad [lah see-oo-dahd]

27. mother - madre [mah-dray]

28. father - padre [pah-dray]

29. sister - hermana [air-mah-nah] (no "h" sound)

30. brother - hermano [air-mah-noh]

31. school - escuela [ehs-cway-lah] high school - escuela secundaria [ehs-cway-lah say-coon-dahr-ee-uh]

32. my job - mi trabajo [me trah-bah-hoe]

33. to work (verb) - trabajar [trah-bah-har]

34. to sleep (verb) - dormir [door-meer]

35. "She is sleeping." - Ella está durmiendo. [eh-yah eh-stah dir-mee-ehn-doe]

36. Sunday - domingo [doe-ming-go]

37. Monday - lunes [loon-ess]

38. Tuesday - martes [mar-tess]

39. Wednesday - miercoles [mee-air-coe-less]

40. Thursday - jueves [way-vess]

41. Friday - viernes [vee-air-ness]

42. Saturday - sabado [sah-bah-doe]

43. week - semana [say-mah-nah] weekend - fin de la semana [feen day lah say-mah-nah]

44. "Happy Birthday." - feliz cumpleaños [fay-lees coom-plee-ahn-yos]

45. "What time is it?" (when something is scheduled like a TV show... when is it on TV?) - ¿Cuándo es? [qwan-doe ess] "What time is it?" (asking for the time right now) - ¿Qué hora es? [kay oar-ah ess]

46. "How do you say _______ in Spanish?" - ¿Cómo se dice ________? [Coe-moh say dee-say ________] The underscore or blank line represents the word you want translated. You fill in the word.

47. "How do you say _______ in English?" - ¿Cómo se dice ________ en inglés? [Coe-moh say dee-say ________ ehn een-glace]

48. dangerous - peligroso [pay-lee-grow-soh]

49. funny (amusing) - divertido [dee-vair-tee-doh]

50. "It's a joke." - Es un chiste. [ess oon chee-stay]

51. the truth - la verdad [lah vair-dahd] Really? (Is that really true?) - ¿Verdad? [vair-dahd]

52. a lie - una mentira [oo-nah main-teer-ah] liar - mentiroso [main-teer-oh-soh]

53. freedom - libertad [lee-bear-tahd]

54. blouse or shirt - camisa [cah-mee-sah]

55. dress - bestido [vess-tee-doh]

56. pants (long pants like jeans or slacks) - pantalones [pahn-tah-loh-nays]

57. "Let's go." - Vamos. [vah-mose]

58. "I want to leave." - Quiero ir. [care-oh ear]

59. "I am sick (ill)." - Estoy infermo. (boy) [eh-stoy een-fair-moh] - Estoy inferma (girl) [eh-stoy een-fair-mah]

60. "He is sick (ill)." - Él está infermo. [ail eh-stah een-fair-moh] (my aplogies for any misspellings, two translators and two spellings for infermo - was also spelled enfermo)

61. "How old are you?" - ¿Cuántos años tiene? [qwan-tohs ahn-yos tee-ain-nay]

62. "She is eleven years old." - Ella tiene once años. [a-yah tee-ain-nay ohn-say ahn-yohs]

63. "I am thirteen years old." - Tengo trece años. [tayn-goh tray-say ahn-yohs]
Spanish uses "I have" for age instead of "I am" so literally, they are saying "I have thirteen years" instead of saying "I am thirteen years."

64. green - verde [vair-day]

65. blue - azul [ah-sool]

66. purple - morado [moh-raw-doh] or púrpura [poor-poor-ah] (the double "o's" in the phonetic pronunciation guide have the "oo" sound).

67. yellow - amarillo [ahm-ah-ree-yoh] (the double "L" in Spanish has a "y" sound.)

68. red -

69. pink -

70. friend (boy) -

71. friend (girl) -

72. friends (group, boys and girls) -

73. policeman -

74. emergency -

75. "I have a medical emergency." -

76. "Call the police." -

77. "I need a doctor." -

78. "I want _____."

79. "How much does this cost?" -

80. "Forgive me." -

81. "I am sorry." -

82. "Excuse me." -

83. "Of course" or "For certain" -

84. "How many?" -

85. "How many children do you have?" -

86. tree -

87. flower -

88. lake -

89. river -

90. fish -

91. bear -

92. monkey -

93. sky -

94. Heaven -

95. earth (dirt) -

96. bicycle -

97. book -

98. food (in general) -

99. "Please." -

100. "Thank you." -


Sunday, September 6, 2009


Native Hawaiians knew all about volcanoes. According to them, volcanic eruptions were caused by Pele, the beautiful but tempestuous Goddess of Volcanoes. Pele had frequent moments of anger, which brought about eruptions. She was both honored and feared. She could cause earthquakes by stamping her feet or volcanic eruptions and fiery lava by digging with her Pa'oa, her magic stick. Pele had a long and bitter argument with her older sister, Namakaokahai. The fight ended up forming the Hawaiian Islands. Read more of this story...

Discovery Kids offers you their "Volcano Explorer" where you can go inside a volcano and even make your own volcano science project! Be sure to click the link at the bottom of their page to learn all about the last days of Pompeii.

Picture by Siddharth, Age 9, India
VOLCANO WORLD is a website designed for kids that includes virtual field trips, adventure stories, help for teachers, volcano FAQ, games and fun stuff and, of course, a kids' art gallery (see sample above).

Find out how much you know about volcanoes with this fun activity from National Geographic Kids.

Mount St. Helens VolcanoCams will let you see a volcano live, as in right now, during daylight hours in the State of Washington.

You can visit Mt. Shasta in California or view it "live" on its own webcam HERE or HERE. Mt. Shasta's last major eruption was in 1786 and earned Mt. Shasta the nickname, "Lighthouse of the Pacific." Mt. Shasta is actually a series of four overlapping volcanic cones and as a mountain, it stands alone, not connected to any nearby mountain, rising abruptly to nearly 10,000 feet. Read more about Mt. Shasta HERE.

Mt. Shasta, California

Mt. Etna, Italy

Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and is in an almost constant state of activity.The fertile volcanic soils support extensive agriculture, with vineyards and orchards spread across the lower slopes of the mountain and the broad Plain of Catania to the south. You can view live webcams of Mt. Etna HERE.

This CBS video shows an exciting view of one of Etna's most recent eruptions:

Watch CBS Videos Online

Do you know the difference between lava and Magma? Do you know how many volcanoes there are in the world? HERE'S A WEBSITE with lots of volcano facts for kids.

And here are some great books on the subject of volcanoes. If you want to find out more about the book, just click on the image. SECURITY CAUTION FOR KIDS: Do NOT click to download or "buy" anything or put your personal information in a form on a website unless you TELL YOUR PARENTS FIRST that's what you want to do.

This Day in History

What happened on your birthday in other years? A hundred years ago? What events have happened on important holidays? Pick any date and find out what happened on that date in United States history. History can be tons of fun and you can totally amaze your friends if you come up with weird stuff like knowing something famous that happened on a particular day. Hey! Find out what happened on your friends' birthdays and write it on a birthday card! Here are a few places where you can find out what happened on "this day in history":

The History of Today
Choose a date to see what happened that day in years past.

This Day in History (from the History Channel)
Daily historical trivia and search tool.

Today in History (Library of Congress)
Find out what happened today in U.S. history.

A Dog Babysitting a Chicken

Don't try to mess with this chicken because the mama will protect her baby!

Squigly's Arts and Crafts

There's lots to do here if you like arts and crafts. There's online fun as well as at-home projects. Here's enough to get you started:

Desktop Pictures and Patterns
Just for fun
Seasonal Crafts
Print & Colour Pictures
Online Colouring Pictures
Online Dressup Games (each game has its own link)
Create a scrapbook
Make clip on braids
Add a touch of fun to your garden with Painted Rocks.
Tell your friend's fortunes with a Cootie Catcher.
Save your coins in a papier mâché piggy bank.
Go wild! Make a wildlife scene.
Make a windmill.
Attract hummingbirds to your backyard with this recipe.
Let it snow, let it snow, with these snowflakes you make yourself.
Feed the birds
Leaf Art
Decorate some flower pots for summer.
Explore the world of underwater creatures with this water scope.
Make a braided bracelet.
Make your own beads out of paper.
Store your treasures in this.


School Jokes

Read up on some funny school jokes and when you get done with those, take a peek at the other joke categories like animals, holidays, doctors, internet, monsters, and more!

Here's just a few to get you started, but be sure to visit this funny website made just for kids...

Teacher: Class, we will have only half a day of school this morning.
Class: Hooray!
Teacher: We will have the other half this afternoon!

Son: I can't go to school today.
Father: Why not ?
Son: I don't feel well
Father: Where don't you feel well ?
Son: In school !

Pupil (on phone) : My son has a bad cold and won't be able to come to school today.
School Secretary: Who is this ?
Pupil: This is my father speaking !


Knock-Knock Jokes

Silly Jokes

Silly American States

Kid's Food Jokes

Jokes from Kaboose

Joke Central

One last joke, okay?

What do you call a cow with a twitch?
Beef jerky.

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